Welcome to the Golden Age of Parenting
Meet Goldee: the AI personal assistant for busy families
Give your brain a break
Goldee stays across all those Compass notifications, school newsletters, emails and chaotic group chats so you don’t have to.
Sort that schedule
Say goodbye to scratching around for that email (or was it a text message?) and hello to one central hub to calmly manage kids’ events. Your weekly planner is sorted in seconds.
Get the whole crew
in sync
Goldee syncs approved events to your family calendar of choice. Invite your co-pilot or your entire village. (It’s only fair to share the love – and the mental load!)
Never miss a beat
(or a birthday party)
Daily briefings keep you up-to-date with everything that’s on, preventing missed events and meltdowns.
Schedule your kid's (or kids') activities automatically with AI.
Call it lazy, call it clever,
call your BFF because you have time on your side.
Family first. Privacy first.
We keep your data safe, secure and encrypted – 24/7.
Here’s what judgemental parents had to say
Because real parents’ opinions matter, we asked some lovely ones to get highly critical about Goldee.